Monday 15 July 2013

O-tab day 20

We were away today on a trip with my big bro and his fiance! We went to Luss then took the boat trip to Balmaha. It was a beautiful day, got bad sunburn though.


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Cornflakes with splenda and semi skimmed milk, O-tab

Snack: Nothing

Lunch: Roll with sausage and potato scone.

Dinner: We had a treat night tonight and ate at one of our fav restaurants called Asia style. I have Chicken and Sweetcorn soup with Ginger and Spring onion chicken with Fried rice. Prawn Crackers too.

After-dinner snack: 2 biscuits

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Been okay today, some oil.

O-tab day 19

Been a bit rough the past few days as I have had some bad side effects, which has deffo taught me a lesson! Harry and I went to my parents today to have a BBQ But I never over indulged as I would have in the past! Never took my tabs today as I forgot to take them in my bag!!! T_T


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Cornflakes with splenda and semi skimmed milk, O-tab

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: Nothing

Dinner: 1 Bacon sandwich and 1 cheese burger.

After-dinner snack: Can't remember

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Been quite bad with side effects over the past few days, even lost out on sleep as I kept waking to go to the bathroom. Woah.

Friday 12 July 2013

O-tab day 18

Well today I went to the gym for 30 mins, Done a couple mins of weights and then walked and jogged for 24 mins on the treadmill, pleased with myself as I jogged for 15 mins with 2/3 walking breaks. The heat is ridiculous here! The gym was like running in a sauna! Cycled to work, then harry and I cycled to asda for shopping then back again.


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Cornflakes with splenda and semi skimmed milk, O-tab

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: Rest of my homemade tuna pasta, O-tab

Dinner: McDs chicken and bacon wrap, small chips, smoothie, O-tab.

After-dinner snack: Ice Cream.

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Woah, I paid for last night thats for sure!

O-tab day 17


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Cornflakes with splenda and semi skimmed milk, O-tab

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: Cottage pie with some chips, O-tab.

Dinner: Home made tuna pasta. O-tab.

After-dinner snack: I was bad today, 2 chocolate croissants and some ice cream.

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Some oil today.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

O-tab day 16


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Cornflakes with splenda and semi skimmed milk, O-tab

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: 2 slices of WW loaf with low low cheese spread, Otab

Dinner: MArinaded chicken skewers bbq'd, 2 rolls with low low cheese, O-tab

After-dinner snack: ??

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

No problems

Monday 8 July 2013

O-tab day 15

Today I cycled to town and back which is about 20-30 mins all in. Enjoyed it but the only problem was the HEAT, it is roasting here in Glasgow right now! It's nuts XD Will be cycling to work and back later on too.


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Special K with whole milk, O-tab.

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: 2 slices of WW loaf with low low cheese spread, banana and some fat free yougurt.

Dinner: Burger with low low cheese spread

After-dinner snack: Tea.

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Definite urge to go, quite a bit of oil today.

Sunday 7 July 2013

O-tab day 14

Well today I went to my parents house for a few hours, managed to get some sun bathing done! Harry had OT from 7am till 4pm, so he is currently sleeping and will sleep till tomorrow so I'm pretty much on my own tonight.


Breakfast: 1 bowl of Special K with whole milk, O-tab.

Snack: Nothing.

Lunch: 2 slices of white bread toasted, one with lurpack lightest and the other with hartleys strawberry jam (yummy), O-tab.

Dinner: I looked online for recipes for "healthy crispy coated chicken" and found one which uses crushed cornflakes as a coating which you then cook in the oven. So I made that with tortilla wraps, I only ate one as I didn't want to over eat. Made own dip as well.

After-dinner snack: Nothing so far

Side effects: (WARNING : May Contain Graphic content)

Haven't had any side effects today, which I'm surprised at considering I had a McDs wrap.